Top-Class Accommodation

 3N stay in 5-star Cape Town Hotel

Value Plus

 Regional Flights from Cape Town to Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe to Johannesburg

17 Meals Included

 7 Breakfasts, 5 Lunches, 5 Dinners


Cape Town

 Castle of Good Hope

 City Hall

 Houses of Parliament

 Malay Quarter

 Cable car ride to Table Mountain

 Signal Hill

 Victoria and Alfred Waterfront


 Wine-tasting session

Cape Peninsula

 Sea Point

 Clifton

 Camps Bay

 Hout Bay

 Boat ride to Seal Island

 Muizenberg

 Fish Hoek

 Boulders Beach

 Cape of Good Hope

 Cape Point


Victoria Falls

 Tours of the falls



 Tours of the falls


Chobe National Park

 Chobe River Cruise

 Guided game drive



Revisions, if any, in itinerary are subject to the Company’s Terms and Conditions, a copy of which is available at In particular, the Customer is requested to note the following:

Itinerary may be subject to change due to circumstances beyond the Company’s control.

Accommodation in designated cities is subject to room availability.

Sequence of itinerary may be subject to change.

Different tour groups may be merged.

Day 1

Assemble at Singapore Changi Airport for your flight to Johannesburg.


If you are flying by Singapore Airlines, you will assemble on the night of day 1. However, the flight only departs after midnight.

Day 2

Upon arrival in Johannesburg, proceed to Pretoria, South Africa’s administrative capital, to see Voortrekker Monument. Drive past Church Square and Union Buildings, the site of the Inauguration of President Mbeki and Nelson Mandela. Thereafter, enjoy a cultural experience at Lesedi Cultural Village that comprises a visit to a craft market, a multi-visual presentation on the history of South Africans, a tour of the homesteads and a traditional song and dance performance. Continue to Nelson Mandela Square, one of the largest open public spaces in the country. It draws a cosmopolitan society to its sidewalk cafes, some of the finest restaurants in South Africa and over 88 exclusive stores.

Meals On Board / Game Meat Lunch / Dinner

Day 3

This morning, transfer to the airport for your flight to Zimbabwe. Upon arrival, transfer to your hotel and spend rest of the afternoon at leisure.


Your flight and accommodation in Victoria Falls may be in Zimbabwe or Zambia.

Breakfast / Boma Dinner

Day 4

Be enthralled by the magnificent Victoria Falls, one of the greatest attractions as it offers the largest curtain of falling water in the world, stretching an amazing 1708 metres across. After breakfast, embark on a tour of the falls on the Zimbabwean side. Water thunders into the gorge of the Zambezi River, creating a mist that keeps the view the surrounding area permanently wet. The magnificent setting makes Victoria Falls one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world. Standing from perfect vantage points, behold the amazing views of the Main Falls, namely Horseshoe Falls, Rainbow Falls and The Boiling Pot. Thereafter, cross the border to Livingstone in Zambia. Amble through the misty rain forest and soak up its beauty. Marvel at the Eastern Cataract, which is situated completely on the Zambian side of Victoria Falls. It is the 2nd-highest fall in the Victoria Falls series. Thereafter, spend the afternoon at leisure.


You are required to produce your passport and visa at the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Breakfast / Lunch

Day 5

After breakfast, cross the border to Botswana and embark on a safari adventure at Chobe National Park. The safari begins with a cruise on Chobe River while the boat takes you up close to the waterfowl and wildlife along the river. Admire flocks of birds, large pods of hippos and floats of crocodiles from the safety of the boat. After the cruise, board the safari vehicles waiting on the banks, for your guided game drive. Then, set off further into the park to view some of its 45,000 elephants, buffaloes, sables, wildebeests, giraffes, and if you are lucky, the resident lions and hyenas. Thereafter, transfer back to your hotel.


You are required to produce your passport and visa at the border of Zimbabwe and Botswana.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Day 6

This morning, transfer to the airport for your flight to Cape Town.

Breakfast / Dinner

Day 7

Upon arrival, embark on a city tour and drive past Castle of Good Hope, the restored fort of Cape Town, City Hall, Houses of Parliament and the historical Malay quarter. Take a cable car ride to ascend to the top of the famous Table Mountain, if weather permits. Thereafter, proceed to Signal Hill to enjoy the views of Cape Town.


Cable car ride is subject to weather conditions and will be replaced with a dinner on day 4 if cancelled.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Day 8

Enjoy a full-day tour of Cape Peninsula to the Atlantic suburbs of Sea Point, Clifton, Camps Bay as well as Hout Bay. Enjoy a leisure boat ride to Seal Island if weather permits. Drive past Muizenberg and stop by seaside village Fish Hoek for a sumptuous lobster lunch. Continue to Boulders Beach in Simon’s Town to catch a glimpse of the endangered African penguins. Thereafter, travel along False Bay to the Cape of Good Hope before arriving at Cape Point, popularly believed to be the meeting point of Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

Breakfast / Lobster Lunch / Dinner

Day 9

This morning, escape to the beauty and tranquility of Stellenbosch, the 2nd-oldest town in South Africa. Tour a local winery and enjoy a wine- tasting session. Thereafter, head to the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront, the entertainment centre of Cape Town, for some shopping.

Breakfast / Western Lunch

Day 10

After breakfast, transfer to the airport for your flight home.

Meals On Board / Breakfast

Day 11

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Day 1

Assemble at Singapore Changi Airport for your flight to Cape Town.


If you are flying by Singapore Airlines, you will assemble on the night of day 1. However, the flight only departs after midnight.

Day 2

Upon arrival, embark on a city tour and drive past Castle of Good Hope, the restored fort of Cape Town, City Hall, Houses of Parliament and the historical Malay quarter. Take a cable car ride to ascend to the top of the famous Table Mountain, if weather permits. Thereafter, proceed to Signal Hill to enjoy the views of Cape Town.


Cable car ride is subject to weather conditions and will be replaced with a dinner on day 4 if cancelled.

Meals On Board / Lunch / Dinner

Day 3

Enjoy a full-day tour of Cape Peninsula to the Atlantic suburbs of Sea Point, Clifton, Camps Bay as well as Hout Bay. Enjoy a leisure boat ride to Seal Island if weather permits. Drive past Muizenberg and stop by seaside village Fish Hoek for a sumptuous lobster lunch. Continue to Boulders Beach in Simon’s Town to catch a glimpse of the endangered African penguins. Thereafter, travel along False Bay to the Cape of Good Hope before arriving at Cape Point, popularly believed to be the meeting point of Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

Breakfast / Lobster Lunch / African Dinner

Day 4

This morning, escape to the beauty and tranquility of Stellenbosch, the 2nd-oldest town in South Africa. Tour a local winery and enjoy a wine-tasting session. Thereafter, head to the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront, the entertainment centre of Cape Town, for some shopping.

Breakfast / Western Lunch

Day 5

This morning, transfer to the airport for your flight to Zimbabwe. Upon arrival, transfer to your hotel and spend rest of the afternoon at leisure.


Your flight and accommodation in Victoria Falls may be in Zimbabwe or Zambia.

Breakfast / Boma Dinner

Day 6

Be enthralled by the magnificent Victoria Falls, one of the greatest attractions as it offers the largest curtain of falling water in the world, stretching an amazing 1708 metres across. After breakfast, embark on a tour of the falls on the Zimbabwean side. Water thunders into the gorge of the Zambezi River, creating a mist that keeps the view the surrounding area permanently wet. The magnificent setting makes Victoria Falls one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world. Standing from perfect vantage points, behold the amazing views of the Main Falls, namely Horseshoe Falls, Rainbow Falls and The Boiling Pot. Thereafter, cross the border to Livingstone in Zambia. Amble through the misty rain forest and soak up its beauty. Marvel at the Eastern Cataract, which is situated completely on the Zambian side of Victoria Falls. It is the 2nd-highest fall in the Victoria Falls series. Thereafter, spend the afternoon at leisure.


You are required to produce your passport and visa at the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Breakfast / Boma Dinner

Day 7

After breakfast, cross the border to Botswana and embark on a safari adventure at Chobe National Park. The safari begins with a cruise on Chobe River while the boat takes you up close to the waterfowl and wildlife along the river. Admire flocks of birds, large pods of hippos and floats of crocodiles from the safety of the boat. After the cruise, board the safari vehicles waiting on the banks, for your guided game drive. Then, set off further into the park to view some of its 45,000 elephants, buffaloes, sables, wildebeests, giraffes, and if you are lucky, the resident lions and hyenas. Thereafter, transfer back to your hotel.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Day 8

This morning, transfer to the airport for your flight to Johannesburg. Tonight, enjoy your game meat dinner.

Breakfast / Game Meat Dinner

Day 9

After breakfast, transfer to the airport for your flight home.

Meals On Board / Breakfast

Day 10

Arrive in Singapore

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Day 1


Day 2


飞机餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 3


早餐 / 晚餐

Day 4


早餐 / 午餐

Day 5


早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 6


早餐 / 晚餐

Day 7


早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 8


早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 9


早餐 / 午餐

Day 10


飞机餐 / 早餐

Day 11


Day 1新加坡 — 开普顿


在新加坡樟宜机场集合,搭乘客机前往开普顿。 注 若您搭乘新航航班, 您将在第一天的晚上于机场集合再登机。航班将会在午夜过后起飞而在第2天飞达目的地。

Day 2开普顿


抵达后,参观鸵鸟饲养场。您将会有很多机会与鸵鸟合照。先享用一顿丰富的鸵鸟午餐才展开开普顿市区观光游。驱车经好望角城堡、经修复的开普顿炮台、市政厅、议会大厦,以及富有历史的马来区。若天气允许,乘坐缆车登上桌山顶端,俯瞰整个开普顿和大西洋的景观。续往信号山欣赏开普顿的全景。 注 乘坐缆车将依天气情况而定。若乘坐缆车因恶劣天气被取消,将会安排由第4天晚餐取代。


Day 3开普顿


享受开普半岛一日游,游览大西洋岸边的社区、海角、克利夫顿海滩、营地海湾、和豪特湾。同时,若天气允许,您可乘游船到海豹岛。之后,先 驱 车 经 梅森堡再于沿海城镇钓鱼镇稍作停留享用一顿丰盛的龙虾午餐。续往位于西蒙斯敦的钓鱼镇一窥可爱的非洲企鹅。之后,沿着福尔斯湾行驶,先路经好望角才抵达位于大西洋和印度洋的交汇处开普角。

Day 4开普顿


今早,享受乘坐12分钟的观光直升机从高空俯视开普顿的迤逦景观。飞行旅程将越过开普顿市碗、新建的绿点体育场、克利夫顿著名的4个海滩、营地海湾洁白的沙滩和壮丽的十二使徒。续往开普顿娱乐消闲区维多利亚阿尔弗雷德码头广场购物。接着,前往当地一个跳蚤市场享受购买传统手工艺品和纪念品的乐趣。之后,陶醉在南非第2最古老的市镇斯坦陵布什镇的美丽与宁静中。游览当地一家酒庄并享受品酒。 注 直升机的飞行路线如有更改,恕不预先告知。若乘坐缆车因恶劣天气被取消,将会由在开普顿的晚餐取代。

Day 5开普顿 – 约翰内斯堡 –维多利亚瀑布


今早,送往机场搭乘飞机到维多利亚瀑布。抵达后,您将会被送往酒店。之后,您可在其余的午后享受自由活动。 注 在维多利亚瀑布的航班和酒店住宿可能会在赞比亚或津巴布韦,将依照确认情况而定。

Day 6维多利亚瀑布– 赞比亚–津巴布韦


前往参观世界著名瀑布奇观之一,雄伟壮阔的维多利亚瀑布。它宽度最长1,708公尺。早餐后,前往位于津巴布韦境内的观景点观赏瀑维多利亚瀑布。飞流直下的瀑布都泻入赞比西河的深潭,酷似一幅垂入深渊中的巨大的窗帘,瀑布群形成高几百米的柱状云雾,飞雾和声浪能飘送到10千米以外, 溅起的白色水雾,有如片片白云和轻烟在空中缭绕,巨响和飞雾可远及15公里。几里甚至几十里开外,就能看到瀑布激起的冲天水柱,一团团不断向上翻涌,在蓝天白云间飘散开去,这景色堪称人间一绝。马蹄形瀑布,水流不大,以其形似马足而得名。彩虹瀑布,平野出胜。远望一片开阔墓地,阳光下横空映出道道彩虹。临近方觉细雨淋身,飞瀑如潮,彩练生辉。水雾声景。浑然一气。置身其境,仿佛飘飘欲仙。瀑布下有一深潭,名“沸腾涡”。之后,驱车前往位于利文斯顿的赞比亚。在穿越雾雨浓浓的森林中,沉浸在自然的风光中。先欣赏东瀑布优美的景致。它是维多利亚瀑布系列第二高瀑布。傍晚,前往乘坐典雅的蒸汽火车,皇族利文斯敦快线体验高雅的餐饮经验和回味蒸汽火车光辉时代。您能在维多利亚瀑布桥拍照。之后,返回津巴布韦夜宿。 注 在赞比亚和津巴布韦的边界需出示护照和签证。

Day 7津巴布韦 — 乔贝国家公园 — 津巴布韦


早餐后,越过博茨瓦纳的边界到乔贝国家公园展开猎游探险。先乘坐游船在乔贝河上近距离观赏生活在河畔的禽鸟和野生动物。在安全距离之内,从船上观赏一大群聚集的禽鸟、河马和鳄鱼。之后,上岸搭乘停在河岸旁的开蓬越野车由导游带领进行野生动物保护区游,前往国家公园一探各种野生动物之生态奥秘。据统计于乔贝国家公园里面有45,000只大象,水牛、黑马羚、牛羚、长颈鹿以及狮子和鬣狗。最后,您将被送往酒店。 注 在博茨瓦纳和赞比亚的边界需出示护照和签证。

Day 8津巴布韦 — 约翰内斯堡



Day 9约翰内斯堡 — 新加坡




Day 10抵达新加坡



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The itinerary is great and organised in a very logical manner ie day of city tour, sea view, mountain, animal watching . This enable us to appreciate the beauty of each categories.

The local tour guide at Cape Town was very knowledgeable, very helpful and a good host. The itinerary was also well planned hence the trip was not too tiring like other group tours.